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Vue.js conference in the world
We take pride in once again delivering quality, accessible education to the global community.
Made possible with the backing of our amazing sponsors, Vue School supporters and community contributors ❤️
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Meet our community experts for the upcoming online event!
Vue.js Nation 2025
call for papers is open
The conference will take place on 29-30th January
We welcome everyone - from beginners to pros!
We are looking for extraordinary and talented speakers from different backgrounds:
Open source contributors,
Company leaders,
Developer beginners, and
Other Vue.js enthusiasts eager to share their knowledge with the community.
Network with 1000s of attendees from all over the world and learn directly from the Vue.js Core Team and the absolute best community and industry experts. All for free!
Join us after the talks for a 1-hour Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to interact directly with our amazing experts to get your burning questions answered.
Where else can you get direct access to the Vue-est of speakers directly and in-person? Only at Vue.js Nation!
Stay up to date with the Vue.js Nation news, speaker & topic announcements, project updates, and watch previous talks by joining our community.